The Braun Paxette Super II B
Braun Paxette Super II series started in 1956. The Super II B (B stands
for Belichtungsmesser = light meter) was launched in 1957. The meter
needs a much bigger top housing than the ordinary Super II. Note that
the lower part of all Paxette housings has stayed the same for all of
the series.
Some pictures:

front. This camera has an interesting Tessar lens. The botton that
sticks out to the tp right of the housing starts the metering.


Camera bottom.

Seen from above. The series II Paxettes with light meters had a built-in Bewi Automat. The
Automat is magic, you push the
button, the scale swirls, and if you release the button it stops and
indicates the convenient choice of speed/aperture combinations. This is
very handy, but it's known that there are a lot of
dead ones around. Be aware: the scales still swirl on a dead meter, but
always stop at the same point. So an uninformed seller could think it