Graflex Graphic Cameras Acessories and Lenses
The accessories for the Graphic cameras are incountable. Here are just some that count for me:

An old case, a typical outfit for a press photographer.

There is space for the camera, lenses, filters, flash and quite some holders.

Some filters for b&w film.

Flash Light and its enormous bulbs. The flash is even
known outside the Graflex community, as the handle became the
lightsaber in Star Wars films.

Flash mounted.

It's quite big and the bulbs delivered a guide number of 250 (!) at 100 ISO.

Flash mounted on a Speed.

Camera and flash.

important accessory: the Grafmatic 4x5 film holder. it's the size of a
double film holder, but contains 6 sheets of film. Camera side. Dark
slide in place.

It's freshly loaded, no. 1 showing. dark slide shut, the red dot next to the number is covered.

To open the dark slide, just pull it out...

...and push it back again. If you look closely, the red dot is now showing to warn you.

move the next sheet up, just push the silver tab next to the handle
towards it, keep it pushed and pull the whole unit out. The next sheet
is moved up and covered by the dark slid. The numbering moves to no. 2.
Push the unit back and you are done. You can either take the holder off
or continue by pulling the dark slide again.

An ordinary matte screen.

same screen with a fresnel lens in front of it. it's much more
luminous. There are discussions about the usefulness and about
calibrating issues, I just use them and have no problems. But I'm not
into close-ups and I don't do big enlagements...

A 90mm Angulon wide angle, a very small and compact lens.

90mm wide angle Super Angulon, an enormous lens, not to use with focal
plane shutter models. Contrast is better than the Angulon.

A standard 127mm Wollensak Velostigmat.

Another standard 127mm, a Kodak Ektar.

A third standard lens, a 150mm Zeiss Tessar.

A 180mm
Fujinon which is a wide angle for a larger format, but can be used for
portraits on the Crown. It has an odd thread of 45mm diameter, so I had
a lens board 3D printed. Works like a charm and it is cheap to buy.

Some more accessories, holders, a roll film back, filters, a shade and a viewing mask.
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