Graflex Speed Graphic Box
This is the modified body of a Graflex Speed Graphic. It was a mod project
from a friend, never finished. I bought the camera because of the lens
and shutter which I will use for my 4x5 cameras. He wanted to build a
very light and basic 4x5 travelling and street camera. He got rid of
the focal plane shutter and all external viewer mechanics. It was
planned to cover the body with a mod skin, attach a tiny basic viewer
for framing, engrave marks for standard distances on the bed and then
work with hyperfocal settings.
The body is 16.5 x 18.5 x 11 cm and weighs only 1750 gr. without lens.
Some photos:

Case closed, from all sides.

Open, without lens plate.

Open, with lens plate.

Open, with a 127mm lens.

Extension for 127mm and infinity.

Extensions. A longer bellow would alow even more extension.

Some movements.

Some typical holders.