Jobo Film Loader 2505 + 2501 Spool
is a very handy accessory for your lab. It lets you load 120 and 135
film on a special spool (RO/Set 2501) in a nearly automatic way. Of
course you have to load in the dark of your lab or in a big sleeve. You
should at least try once in daylight with old film. I have not seen a
manual yet. There are tutorials on YouTube. And yes, you need a 2500
series tank.
Some pictures:

The box.

Whats in the box: loader, 2501 spool and 2 guiding trays for 135 and
120/220 film format. The spool is adaptable, just as the ordinary 2502

film configuration. The guiding tray bends the film a little bit so
that it can slde into the spirals of the spool. There is start slot
near the core, easy to find in the dark. Push the film leader into the
tray and pull it down until it hits the start slot. Then turn
cautiously, the film will engage. Put the film canister into the cradle
at the end of the guiding tray and turn until all film is out of the
canister. Cut and spool the rest. Done.

Slide the black plastic to engage/disengage the spindle.

The spool has a clear and a grey side so that you know which goes
where. There are spool with a white and a black side as well. There is
only one position where the spool goes into the loader. You can look
for it or you turn until it slides in.

You can load a second film onto the spool or you start spooling here if
you want to use a rotating processor like the Jobo CPA and save
chemicals. There are 2 orange plastic parts to be pushed inwards. Now
you have a new start slot, easy to feel in the dark. Push the film into
the slot and wind on.

The start slot for the second film pushed in.

120 film configuration..
for any reason you have diffiulties to get your film into the spool,
this is it. It works like a charm. Jobo doesn't make these anymore, so
they became quite expensive. I always wanted one to see it work, so
when I came across one for not too much money, I bought it. If you are
sent manually, you can roll your film onto a 2501 spool without the
Personally I use ordinary Jobo spools in a sleeve, mainly from the 1000
series because they need less chemicals and I often do semi-stand
development. Since I changed to the plastic Jobo spools many many years
ago, I have no problens to spool a 120 or 135 film within less than 2
minutes. The only thing is to be sure that the spool is absolutely dry.
One drop of water and you film will not glide. That's why I have plenty
of spools and let them dry overnight.