Loreo 3D Lens 9005
Loreo 3D Lens 9005 was lauched in 2010, as an APS-C successor to the full frame 9004. The Loreo Asia Ltd., Kowloon, Hong
claims to be in business since 1982. They make or trade simple stereo
cameras, lenses and viewers, pinhole devices and the famous "Lens in a
Cap", a simple, focus free shift lens with apertures, in a kind of camera
mount cap for a variety of SLR cameras which had quite some success in
the years of the Lomo hype.
The system used is side-by-side or parallel 3D viewing, you look at the
printed pictures with the help of a viewer, like those old stereo
pictures from the 1900s. The ingenious idea was initially to use the standard
24x36mm film format, which can be processed in any photolab. The two
stereo pictures were on one 24x36 frame. So on a 10x15 cm print you have
both, side by side.
The 9005 APS - C format is intended to be used with digital APS-C
cameras. The picture files can be loaded to any processing lab for
10x15 cm prints. Or they can be regarded on a screen with the help of a
cardboard viewing device. All Loreo lenses were
also branded, the most known
being the Argus brand.
The features of the Loreo 3D Lens 9005 are:
Lens system: 40 mm, F 11, 2 elements, plastic polymer composite
Film Format: APS-C
Diaphragm: Sliding disc, F 11, F 16 and F 22
Focusing: Sliding lever, 1.5m to infinity
Digital SLR body mounts: Pentax K, Canon EOS, Nikon F, Minolta A, Sony Alpha
Dimensions: 165 x 73 x 65mm (W x H x L)
Weight: 170g
Filter thread: 58mm
Some pictures:

The pouch, the lens system with caps. I also have the instructions.

Lens system. On the top: slider for apertures.

Mount side.

Focussing lever. It helps a lot to use focus peaking on your camera while moving it.

Lens system attached to a Sony A7 camera. Mine has a Pentax K mount,
you need an adapter, Pentax K towards Sony NEX. As it's a full frame
camera, it has to be set to APS-C.
The lens system is easy to use. You can use 3 apertures. The
focussing lever goes from 1.5m to infinity, sharpness is fine. As the prints should only be 10x15cm, the plastic lenses are
fine. If you have a photo printer like a Canon CP, you can have stereo
pictures within minutes. The lens is of much better build quality than the old 9004. The filter threads are a nice idea.
is a range of viewing accessories still available. As you can have your
print made everywhere, the system has large advantages to others. It's
fun to have. A nice find.
Some pictures taken with a Sony A7 and the lens (pictures OOC, only size scaled down):

View from my Cologne atelier, bright haze to sunny, infinity, F22.

Chandelier, 3m, F11, available light, hand held.

Cologne, Mauritiussteinweg. F16, infinity.

Cologne, St. Mauritius. F22, infinity.

Colognw, Mauritiussteinweg, St. Aposteln in the background. F22, infinity.

Cologne, St. Mauritius, Pastor's house. F16, 5m setting.

In my veranda. F11, 2m.