OddCameras.com Rollei Magic II
The Rollei Magic II is an automatic Twin Lens Reflex
6x6 camera, made by Franke & Heidecke, Braunschweig, Germany. It
has a Prontormat-S shutter, specially designed by Prontor for this
camera and front-cell
focusing instead of moving the whole lens board as on the Rolleiflexes.
There was a model I with only automatic exposure only, made from 1960 to
1962 and the model II, shown here, made from 1962 to 1968. Very few
were made, about 25 000 for model I and only 12 600 for model II.
Taking lens: Schneider-Kreuznach Xenar 1:3.5 f=75mm.
Viewing lens: Heidosmat 1:3.5 f=75mm, Xenar-type
Shutter: Prontor Prontormat-S model 602 k
Automatic exposure: speeds 1/30 to 1/500s, diaphragms 3.5 to 22.
Manual settings: B, 1/30 to 1/500s, diaphragms 3.5 to 22.
Film speed: 12 to 1600 ISO.
Dimensions: 88 x 147 x 106 mm
Weight: 1000 gr.
Some pictures:

The camera, hood closed

front. This one lacks the Rollei Magic II sign. Filters are bayonet 2,
they can automatically be taken into account by the exposure system,
filter value visible in the little window to the left of the taking
lens in case of.
The dial to the left is exposure setting with a push button in its
center, to right it's the focusing dial.


Camera bottom. Tripod mount and camara back opening lever

from above. ISO setting and exposure meter needle. In automatic mode
the exposure meter results are taken into account by the
shutter/aperture system.

Camera right side. The big tabs liberate the pegs whn the back is opend. Accessory shoe with PC flash socket.

left side. Wind handle, film counter. On the front: exposure system,
set to AUTO, all scales are blinded except distance setting
(frontmost). Near the bottom: shutter lever and cable release socket.

Camera open.

Luminous screen.

amera back open.

Film chamber.

Film spool chamber.

With film and arrow at indication mark.

Camera and Eveready case.
Rollei Magic is a nice idea for an automatic medium format camera, easy
to use. The model II is much more interesting as you can set the
aperture and speed yourself if you want so. After more than 50 years
some of the selenium meters are dead. It is often said that you can use
a model II with a dead meter in manual mode, but the shutter seems to
be fragile, so check, if the values are consistent. The whole
shutter/aperture system can be affected by cold weather.
camera lacks slow speeds. The front is quite heavy, it's not as
equilibrated as a Rolleiflex or Rolleicord. It's a must-have for
collectors, but a less interesting model for photographers.
Nevertheless the lenses are fine and it takes good photos, Rollei
quality style.